Preschool Newsletter

Academic Year 2022/2023

Preschool Update - Our preschool on Honor Oak Site is now closed.  

Preschool visit COVID Health & Safety 

We are delighted to be welcoming you and your child to Honor Oak Preschool. Our biggest priority is ensuring you are safe while visiting our preschool, and making sure you enjoy your visit while you are with us.

Most importantly: we ask that you stay at home if you (or someone in your household) has experienced any of the symptoms of COVID.

Face Coverings

All our preschool personnel will be wearing face coverings and we strongly recommend adult visitors wear face coverings too, especially while moving around the building.

Hand Sanitiser

We will provide hand sanitiser upon entry and at suitable points throughout the preschool. Routine temperature checking on entrance for all are carried out.

 Covid-19 Pass

Many are now using the NHS Covid Pass within the NHS app, and we welcome sight of their passes on arrival.

Lateral Flow Tests

 We would ask that all parents/ visitors  continue to regularly use free lateral flow tests as provided by the NHS. Our staff are tested regularly


HOP Extra Curriculum & Enricjment Programme - for preschool children. 2 pm -3 pm, 10 week lessons termly, Monday - book Club, Tuesday Chinese Club, Wednesday Creativity Club. To book a place, please go to HOP Extra Curriculum Registration Form

Preschool Fundraising while you are shopping-Your Shopping can really make a difference to the presschool by raising funds for our preschool while you shopping. Please follow the link to find out  -


Preschool Absence reporting line- if you child is unwell, or shows signs of coughs, temperature, diarrhea or general unwellness, please keep them at home and call preschool absence reporting line on 07980133410 or email to

Home Learning Programme - It is optional, but all our preschool children are encouraged to participate. To show children's completed work, please use the preschool what's up number on 07967096357 or email to Ms Carry at

Chinese Class Status- Chinese Class resumes face to face teaching from Spring 2022. For lessons, please contact Ms Carry at or call 02086998453

Flu Vaccination for 2 & 3 Years old - is available now at the GP practice. Vaccination builds children's immunity to protect against illness. All our preschool children are advised to receive Flu Vaccination by NHS Public Health Commissioning. 

Preschool Booster immunisations- if your child has not had the follow-up immunization at the age of 3-4, please contact your GP and arrange an appointment for your child to receive the immunisation top-up as soon as you can.

Reception class application- For more details, please visit or contact eAdmissions support on 0208 255 55 55

Reading at Home Books Recommendation 2020 - The earlier the young children are introduced to books, the more they will enjoy the company of books. Here are some of the most popular early readers recommendation for all our preschool children. Please visit HOP Children's Book Store for more books and other preparatory workbooks recommendations.